Modern Celebrities: Special Rules

Videos and Pictures for Modern Celebrities who were born since 1985.
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Dr. Le Quack
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Modern Celebrities: Special Rules

Post by Dr. Le Quack »

Modern Celebrities: Special Rules

1. This section only applies to Modern Celebrities threads who were born since 1985. Arranged by model.

2. In this section the content must be Pictures, Videos or relevant information about the model. All other posts will be moved or removed, for thanks use the Thank You button.

3. & are not allowed in Modern Celebrities.

4. Fakes, AI creations, etc. is prohibited.

5. Existing Threads / Search - Post in existing threads whenever possible. Use the search function to locate an existing pornstar's thread and post in that thread as a reply.

6. New Threads - If there is no thread from the model - feel free to open. New threads will not appear in this section until after moderator approval.
  • The title of the threads should look like this: "First Name Last Name" [example: Jennifer James]
  • Then follow the posting template, add the information using the web directories.
  • The first post should only be details and a cover image, without posting any content. After the approval of the topic, the posting of videos / images can be started.

Only these model / actress directories are allowed:
IAFD - internet adult film database
Adult Film Database
Babe Pedia
Boob Pedia
Euro Babe Index
EGAFD - European Girls Adult Film Database
BGAFD - British Girls Adult Film Database
Euro Pornstar
Porn Teen Girl
If links are dead, please report post.